WebRTC-Based Webcam SoftwareUntil recently, Adobe Flash Player has been the most effective way of two-way communication through a browser. In fact, only Flash could help you organize a good quality of live video transmitting between a model and clients. Unfortunately, Flash technology has its flaws. The main problem is the incompatibility of Flash with mobile platforms, and since July 2017, the default settings of desktop browsers exclude Flash Player support.

A new way of transmitting live video WebRTC comes to replace Flash. Since iOS 11 now enabling WebRTC in its Safari browser, all popular browsers support broadcasting and video playback through the new technology.

Support table of WebRTC technology in the latest browsers

OS and Browser Market Share Worldwide based on statcounter.com statistics, November 2017
WindowsAndroidiOSMac OS

WebRTC advantages over Flash

WebRTC has multiple advantages over the outdated Flash technology.

  • Better quality of the transmitted video
  • Lesser transmission delay between users
  • Live-video reception and transmission on mobile browsers
  • Increased productivity on desktop and mobile

Cam to Cam live video chat using mobile

The great opportunity of Modelnet software website its live 2-way video using a browser. Your customer and models are able to have live video talks using just a browser.

«One of the coolest benefits of this adjustment is that we can now offer a FaceTime-like experience where customers can broadcast live video from their mobile device to a model,» SNR Productions’ President Steve Ranieri told. «We’re the first cam site that has this capability. It’s very exciting!» [1]

WebRTC-Based Webcam Software

WebRTC discovers new opportunities for the webcam business

  • Models can broadcast from anywhere using their mobile browsers with no additional applications.
  • Customers get video of excellent quality on their mobile phones and computers, with the minimal transmission delay.

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