
Demo preview of provided webcam site software

Follow the signup links below to check the demo platform by yourself.

You can book an online meeting with our representative for a demo overview. We will guide you through the platform and show you its main features and functions.

Book a meeting

There are 5 user kinds in the system. For each of them there are different sign-in forms.

Customer mode

Check how the customer will see your website. You can choose any pattern you like.

Login: test
Password: test
Visit demo website 


Admin mode

Check out how many features the admin backend has.

Login: admin
Password: admin
Open admin backend 


Model mode

Performer mode has all the necessary features for your models to earn.

Login: model
Password: model
Open performer backend 


Webmaster mode

Webmaster can power whitelabels and can advertise the main site with promotional tools.

Login: webmaster
Password: webmaster
Open webmaster backend 


Studio manager mode

Studio manager has full functionality to manage its models.

Login: manager
Password: manager
Open manager backend