General provisions for all the refund cases:
- The decision whether the refund should take place or not will be made by the owner of the Model Provider website.
- The Model or the Customer may influence the final decision by providing the strong arguments to support their claim.
- Modelnet Administration has the right to interfere in the conflict resolution; however the final decision is still made by the Provider website.
Same site paid chat.
If a paid chat took place within the same site, meaning that the Model and the Customer were from the same site, the Customer should refer to the website Administration to claim a refund. The Administration of the website has the right to unilaterally grant or deny the Customer’s complaint.
Money for a paid chat may be deducted from the Model in case the Customer and the Model managed to agree on the refund among them. The Model can also ask the Administration of the website to return the money to the Customer without any proceedings.
Modelnet paid chat.
The case gets more complicated if the Model and the Customer are from the different websites and the transaction was made through Modelnet. In case the Customer and the Model managed to agree on the refund among them, the Administration of the Provider website may return the money to the Customer. Modelnet commission in this case is returned to the Customer as well, and the money taken from the guarantee deposit will be returned to the Consumer’s account.
In case the Model and the Customer did not come to an agreement, the Customer should submit a complaint to the Administration of the Consumer website. In that case Modelnet will act as an intermediary in the negotiations between the Provider and the Consumer websites.
If a chargeback (the payment was cancelled by the payment system) took place on the side of the Consumer, but the transaction was made within Modelnet, the money will not be returned to the Customer. However, if the chargeback took place on the same website with the Customer and the Model, the decision whether to grant this will be at the discretion of the Administration of that website.
We would recommend choosing more demanding payment systems for your websites, like for example CCBill or Epoch, otherwise the possibility of chargebacks may increase.

Polina Yan is a Technical Writer and Product Marketing Manager at Scrile, specializing in helping creators launch personalized content monetization platforms. With over five years of experience writing and promoting content for Scrile Connect and, Polina covers topics such as content monetization, social media strategies, digital marketing, and online business in adult industry. Her work empowers online entrepreneurs and creators to navigate the digital world with confidence and achieve their goals.